strong case of the mondays «

3 aug 2020 » day 142 for me & the kids; day 139 for TheWife

worked through a moderate lack of gruntle for most of the day. split time today between …five? let’s say five different things. context switching tends to make me cranky. (six. motherfucker, it was six different things.)

took a short break after lunch to mix up a batch of dough. tried adding an autolyse step to a recipe that didn’t specify one, and did a custom mix of three different flours so who knows how it’s gonna turn out — but the bread i did yesterday is a bit …much, according to field testing. (TheWife described it as “kinda pumperknickle-y” and said “i bit into it. then i looked to see if it had seeds.” it’s not bad exactly but it is a bit much for toast.)

more context switching in the afternoon, followed by a dinner break, yet more context switching, a mid-evening break to do some pruning of various things in the yard, and then one more run of work stuff, prepping for a morning meeting.

i’m kinda tired and my brain is sore, y’all.

lunch: leftover pizza

dinner: tuna fish sandwich