covid.hotel «

11 jul 2022 » day 849 for me & the kids; day 846 for TheWife

I woke up around 0530, and did the normal morning hotel stuff: got some breakfast, drank some mediocre hotel coffee, repacked my bag. I got on the road around 0730 or 0800, headed mostly east, and a little bit north.

Initially, I was mostly happy that I seemed to be going in the opposite direction of the morning drive time traffic, but that happiness passed as more of LA woke up and got on the freeways. Eventually I got far enough outside the city — once my route started climbing up into the mountains — that the traffic mostly went away. Under other circumstances, CA-330 would be a fun drive: steep and twisty, with magnificent views. As it was, I just wanted to get to my destination as soon as possible.

Arriving at the camp and collecting Mx15 was quick and non-eventful. They looked worn out and under the weather, but weren’t hurting too bad — not the best but under the circumstances I’d take it. They got into the back seat, and we set out for the fully-masked return drive. We ended up stopping a couple times on the way down — somewhere between the elevation change, the twisty road, and the COVID, they were getting carsick — including one run though a CVS for provisions. We were at our new hotel, just south of LAX, around 1300.

We got checked in, I unloaded everything from the car, and then headed back out to a grocery store for additional provisions for the week. After that I returned the car, caught a Lyft back to the hotel, ordered us some dinner, and spent the rest of the evening trying to catch up on work.