i rolled out of bed around 0630. ended up doing a bit of copy-editing for work right off the bat, then moved on through the rest of my usual morning routine.

i noticed, when i looked at it around 0730 PT, the jhu covid map/counter had broken 2,500,000 confirmed worldwide cases.
typical work day: bit of email, couple calls, some more copy-edits, continued work on the website, continued work grinding away at my unread queue. i’m getting enough minor things done that i don’t feel utterly unproductive, but i’m also clearly not on my “a” game either. looking forward to closing out the work i’ve been doing porting old blog posts over to our new ssg format – should wrap that up tomorrow. hopefully then i’ll be able to dedicate some more time to my side jawn.
speaking of wrapping things up, i finished migrating repos out of github to my gitea server today. ended up deciding to leave a couple older perl projects at github, on the grounds that if and when i hand them off, it’ll be easier to do from there. just a few more cleanup-type tasks to do and that project will be done!
installed a “sweep” on the bottom of the person-sized door into the garage. hoping that is sufficient to stop crap blowing in via the large gap at the bottom of the door. if it is, the next step is to move everything out of the garage and get all the dirt and leaves and general CRAP cleaned out of it, and then move some things back in, and some things to the basement, and some things out of the basement into the garage. ideally the weather will co-operate and we’ll be able to get that done this weekend. (if the sweep ends up not being sufficient to block thnigs out, i’m planning on putting another one on the inside of the door so there’s a double barrier. we shall see.)
grocery delivery came today and we got greens! oh, so very many greens. ended up calling an audible during dinner because of the greens, and i wasn’t terribly impressed with where i ended up. everybody else said they liked it though, so who knows. (personally, i gave myself a c-minus. it was edible, but it really wasn’t that great.)
post dinner, i cleaned all the screens in the house (except for Ms13’s ipad and laptop, which she claimed were clean enough). once i post this entry, it’s probably wine and hellsite time, followed by bed.
lunch: sandwich
dinner: cilantro and lime chicken sausage with onions and garlic; fresh spinach salad